Getuigenissen & Testimonials |
With the financial support of the Belgian government these scientific researches were performed on MAC-P.
1. Ames II test at the Belgian Government Institute for Technological Development (VITO) in Mol, Belgium Testimonial VITO about the AMES II test The results of the Ames II tests for MAC-P are: negative for both, with and without S9. So this is good news for MAC-P! Sandra Verstraelen, PhD Vito-Biologie 2. In Vitro Researches on Ascaris Suum and on Ostertagia Ostertagi by the University of Ghent The larvae stage 3 of the Ostertagia are about 5 to 10 times larger than the Ascaris larvae stage 3, which makes it easier to control the Ostertagia under the binoculair inbetween the precipitate of MAC-P. We now see with the larvae of the ascaris a clear effect with the lowest concentrations and also already after 24 hours! The effect on the Ostertagia are less articulate but still promising. This is because the larvae of the Ostertagia don't feed themselves in such a culture. Thus the active component must get into the nematodes of the Ostertagia in a different manner, probably through diffusion. The Ostertagia o. causes a lot of economical damage in the cattle farming, both dairy and beef cattle. In the USA in 2005 a Round Table Conference was organised by Intervet / Merck. The annual damage caused by the resistant Ostertagia o. in the USA is estimated on $ 2 Billion per annum.
Testimonials by fellow veterinarians
Report by veterinarian dr. R. Penninger, Lanaken, Belgium A small survey was conducted on fifteen horses with a (serious) infection with strongylides. The manure samples before and after the treatment with MAC-P were compared in order to assess the worm killing effect of MAC-P for endoparasites in horses. Remarkable in this survey is that an obvious decline is visible in the number of worm eggs, found in the manure after deworming with MAC-P. Even in case of a higher contamination, of which horse 13 is an example, we received a significant reduction of the EPG (Eggs Per Gram). This horse went from 1450 EPG to >200 EPG. This happened even already within 5 days after the administration of MAC-P. From this I conclude that a thorough anthelmintic action can be assessed to the new dewormer MAC-P. Personal recommendation: The dewormer MAC-P is fully based upon a vegetal product, which makes this product unique and very interesting! By conducting this research I have personally witnessed that MAC-P has a very good impact. MAC-P is a real breakthrough in the daily struggle against worm infections within horses! Veterinarian dr. R. Penninger Website:
Recommendation by veterinarian dr. A. Hanssen, Nuth, the Netherlands
On request of drs. Marij Meijs and Hans Vaessen I now send you my experience with the natural dewormer MAC-P. Our horse Cádiz, 6 year old gelding KWPN, height 1.60 m, performing in show jumping, has always been skinny since we bought him from his breeder. At a certain time we fed him six kilograms horse feed (mixed grains) and three kilograms beet pulp (soaked in water) plus a large amount of hay in order to keep him on a reasonable weight. We treated him with the usual anthelmintics every three months: ivermectin, moxidectin or praziquantel, depending on the season. His teeth had been checked and they were found to be allright. Cádiz was at that time a reasonable jumper but he usually threw of a beam at the end of the contest. In Cádiz’ stable we regularly saw the small strongylidae (red bloodworm) in his manure; with ivermectin and also with moxidectin this endoparasite is difficult to combate because of the ever growing resistant strains. When I incidentally discussed this problem with Marij Meijs and Hans Vaessen, they proposed to treat Cádiz once with MAC-P. The result was amazing: we have gotten a totally different horse now. We now feed him only two kilograms of horse feed (mixed grains) per day and the horse can keep his weight well now. Cádiz is much more vivid and he has jumped every contest without faults. I know, it sounds too good to be true, but it is what it is. We cannot find the small strongylidae anymore in his manure. Cádiz now looks better on 2 kgs. horse feed a day than he did before on 9 kgs horse feed a day. With kind regards, Dr. A. Hanssen - Netherlands Veterinarian
Testimonial Gerardo Dell'Aquila about the efficacy of MAC-P against ectoparasites on pigeons I tested MAC-P to get rid of the ectoparasites (lice) on the feathers of 6 pigeons. Four pigeons were treated with one drop in the neck and with one drop under each wing. Two pigeons were not treated. The four pigeons that were treated had no more lice after one day. The two untreated pigeons still had lice in their feathers.
Getuigenis Gerardo Dell'Aquila over ectoparasieten bij duiven Ik heb MAC-P getest ter bestrijding van de ectoparasieten (luizen) tussen de veren van 6 duiven. 4 duiven hebben MAC-P gehad met 1 druppel in de nek en met 1 druppel onder elke vleugel. 2 duiven were not treated. Bij de 4 duiven waren de luizen in de veren na 1 dag verdwenen. Bij de andere 2 duiven zag ik nog dezelfde hoeveelheid luizen in de veren zitten. Met vriendelijke groet en succes, Gerardo Dell’Aquila
Testimonial Martine Driessen about the endoparasites with her horse Nador A while ago I tested MAC-P for my 8 year old gelding Nador. Never before I have recommended a product but I will happily make an exception for MAC-P! My horse hasn't been in good shape for many years. I consulted many veterinarians but without the results I was looking to achieve. Nador stayed too skinny, although his food was abundant. Also, his coat remained very dull. A couple of months ago a friend advised me to use MAC-P because he was very enthousiastic about the results that he had achieved with his horses. Nador is now in great shape: he gained weight and his coat became lustrous and shiny. Also, his eagerness to perform in dressage has returned! My horse is now in a great mood and so am I! Nador looks better than ever before and his performance is outstanding. Finally I found a good product that does what it promises to do.
Getuigenis Martine Driessen over endoparasieten bij haar paard Nador Op aanraden van vrienden heb ik onlangs MAC-P gebruikt voor mijn achtjarige ruin Nador. Nooit eerder heb ik een product aangeprezen, maar MAC-P is zo geweldig dat ik dit moet doen! Voorheen was mijn paard niet goed in vorm. Ik heb al vele dierenartsen geraadpleegd maar het ging maar niet beter. Nador bleef te mager hoewel hij voer naar believen kreeg. Enkele maanden geleden raadde een vriend mij aan om MAC-P eens te proberen, omdat hij er zeer tevreden over was. Het resultaat is geweldig. Na korte tijd kwam Nador aan, zijn vacht begon te glanzen en zijn werklust keerde terug. Mijn paard is nu in een geweldig humeur en daarom ben ik dat ook! Nador oogt beter dan ooit en hij presteert supergoed. Eindelijk een goed product, dat doet wat het belooft.
Testimonial Ernest Josten about the worms in his dog Bobbie. Several months ago I noticed that Bobbie didn't look well. Also, he had a red rash near his anus. According to the vet he had intestinal worms and because of the itch his anus became lightly infected. Because I prefer to treat my animals with natural products, if possible, I decided to try MAC-P. That went just fine. He swallowed the capsule very easily inside a small piece of sausage. Bobbie is now healthy again and the infection around his anus has disappearde completely. Getuigenis Ernest Josten over endoparasieten bij hond Bobbie De laatste tijd viel mij op dat Bobbie er niet goed uitzag. Ook had hij een rode uitslag bij zijn anus. Volgens de dierenarts was hij besmet met endoparasieten, wormen dus en door de jeuk raakte zijn anus licht ontstoken. Het schijnt zo te zijn dat honden makkelijk besmet raken met wormeitjes tijdens de dagelijkse wandelingen. Omdat ik niet van chemische middelen houd, heb ik het natuurlijke middel MAC-P gevoerd aan Bobbie. Dat ging prima. Hij at de capsule zo op, in een plakje worst. Nu is alles weer normaal, hij is gezond en de ontsteking bij zijn anus is verdwenen.