Partners en aanbevelingen

Bij de totstandkoming van het Octrooi hebben vele mensen en organisaties een rol gespeeld.
Wij willen graag bedanken voor subsidie, advies en hulp:


1. Vlaamse overheid: subsidies voor onderzoek bij Vlaams Instituut voor Technologisch Onderzoek en Universiteit van Gent 

2. Octrooibureau "Life Science Patents"  Sittard  -  dhr. Winand Habets

3. Hoogstarters Universiteit Maastricht

4. Innovatiecentrum Limburg Hasselt -  Barbara Gaethofs innovatieadviseur, bio-ingenieur in de   landbouwwetenschappen, specialisatie veeteelt

5. Centraal Veterinair Instituut Lelystad - dr. Fred Borgsteede parasitoloog

6. DGZ Drongen

7. Kamer van Koophandel Limburg Maastricht - Jeroen Wilmes

8. Syntens Limburg Roermond - Martin Kusters

9. Dierenarts R. Penninger Lanaken

10. Dierenarts R. Demoree Maaseik

11. Yeguada Residelca stoeterij Pura Raza Española paarden Maaseik - Sylvia de Rooy

12. Dierenarts J. Leen - Bocholt

13. NL EVD Internationaal Agentschap NL Den Haag - Erhan Gürer

14. Biotechnicum Proef-en vormingscentrum Bocholt - Toon Schouteden

15. NAREDI Brussel - Isabelle Naessens

16. MarketQuest Brunssum / Florida - Joost Krul   marketingadviseur

17. Paardenchirurg Tom Mariën - Meldert Lummen

18. Xavier Bori en Jordi Nuñez Lleida Spanje - Cria Caballar paardenfokkers

19. Yeguada Centurion Madrid Spanje - stoeterij Pura Raza Española paarden

20. BiiP NV Brussel - Ir. Ing. Marnix Moens

21. Crown Advice bvba Hasselt - Roger de Coninck

22. Revalisc BV - Ir. Paul Jonker



Joost Krul, partner Smart Capital Network in Brunssum the Netherlands, on LinkedIn:

"In my role of owner of MarketQuest I supported Marij with the start up of Momentum Animal Cure bvba. I got to know Marij as a very well balanced person who makes her decisions very well considered and she is very consistent and tenacious (in a very positive way) in her acting. Besides that she is very open for advice and picks up the matters which are important for her and she implements matters very thoroughly. She is open, transparent, very reliable and honest in her way of life. It is a pleasure to work with her."

Joost Krul, Owner, MarketQuest International
was with another company when working with Marij at Momentum Animal Cure BVBA 


Katrien Neirynck, patent attorney:

"When I first met Marij and Hans in our office in Antwerp, it was immediately clear how enthusiastic they were about their new invention. They found that the herb is a good anthelminth that even helps animals for which the traditional medicines had no further effect, due to resistance. To be able to draft a PCT patent application, this fact needed to be proven further through scientific research. Marij was able to contact on a short notice the right people performing the required research. I was positively surprised to see how fast Marij understood the research and how she felt comfortable with the difficult matters related to intellectual property. It is a great pleasure working for her."




Barbara Gaethofs, consultant Innovatiecentrum Limburg, Hasselt Belgium:

"As advisor for Innovatiecentrum Limburg, I accompanied Marij in her search for scientific partners. This led to her cooperation with VITO in Mol. I'm excited to see her product being launched on the market.

I wish Marij lots of success!"





Roger De Coninck, businessconsultant Crown Advice bvba, Hasselt Belgium:

"The first time I met Marij she explained to me what her aim was regarding her new invention. After reading the patent it was clear for me that we were talking about a very innovative product for the health of certain animals. Marij always understood the basics of how starting up a new business although she had to face the usual barriers when someone starts as a newcomer in this line of business. Working together with Marij was a nice experiences and I am convinced that the product she will launch will be a great success."

